Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Free at Last?

Hilarious satirical item on Huff Post this morning courtesy of Andy Borowitz. I can't help, but wonder if Tiger Woods didn't deliberately blow up his own meticulously crafted persona. I mean, it must be somewhat liberating for him not to have to play the role of Tiger Woods anymore. The man can now descend from the Olympian Heights, where he has dwelled for past dozen or more years, and limit himself to merely being the best golfer in the world. It is virtually impossible to imagine him running through the kind of money that he has amassed both playing golf, and endorsing everything under the sun. So, even if his value as a corporate shill takes a huge hit (very likely), it doesn't matter, at least not in an economic sense. And obviously, a monogamous lifestyle does not suit him, so the loss of Mrs. Woods shouldn't be too much of a sacrifice.

Any attempt to stem this media onslaught is doomed to fail. This story is one of those perfect storms that engulfs our media universe from time to time. The downfall of Tiger Woods is a compelling tale on numerous levels. Obviously, the most powerful force driving this story is the sex angle, which is perfectly represented by a virtual harem of tabloid-perfect woman. Then of course, you have the irresistible attraction of race to spice things up. Tiger Woods is generally thought to be a black man, although he apparently prefers to describe himself in a way that better captures his quite interesting multicultural heritage. No matter. In America, he is black. And his beautiful wife, as well as his numerous mistresses, are all white. Maybe Tiger, like our current president, actually believed that he had transcended race. This business will quickly disavow him of any such illusions.

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