Friday, September 21, 2012


I love Sarah Silverman! Talk about using a potent mixture of facts, logic, and a liberal dose of naughty language, to make a very important point. There is no epidemic of voter fraud in this country. All of these state voter ID laws are designed to make it more difficult for people to vote. Specifically, voters that are perceived as being more likely to vote Democratic.

Now, for those who think that sounds like a "conspiracy theory", keep in mind the fact that the Romney/Ryan ticket is currently polling at 0% amongst African-Americans. So, it doesn't exactly require an advanced degree in political science to assume that blacks are going to voter overwhelmingly for Barack Obama. The GOP knows that. They knew that in 2000, and that is why Florida used those error-filled voter suppression lists to depress the black vote. And, they are doing it again, only it's a dozen or more states this time around.

Share this video, people. This is important.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Why do Democrats think African-Americans are too stupid to get a license to drive??

    Just curious
