Saturday, September 1, 2012

Mobsters and Mormons

When ethnic "gangsters" do business the way that Bain Capital does, they are labeled as "public enemies" and prosecuted. Mitt Romney, on the other hand, is running for president. 

The difference of course is that Bain has the rule of law on their side. They do not need to resort to violence to get what they want. Bain can acquire companies, strip them of all their assets, layoff the workers, burden the companies with debt, and then walk away with millions of dollars in profit. This business model is typically described as "venture capitalism".

The mob operates in exactly the same fashion as this video demonstrates. The scale is much smaller of course. Usually, it is a restaurant they take over. But the ends, and the means, are identical. Except for the use of overt violence. The mobsters cannot appeal to the law to enforce contracts the way that Bain does. So, they resort to violence. Otherwise, the business model is exactly the same.

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