I came across an hour-long interview that Robert Moses gave in 1977, when he was close to 90 years old. I couldn't detect even a hint of decrepitude in the man; his mind was razor-sharp and all of the personality traits typically associated with him came across clearly. Moses was by turns witty, defensive, erudite, cruel, and above all else, remorseless. Listening to Moses school the youngster interviewing him was great entertainment. You've heard the expression "trying to nail jello to a wall"? Well, that is a pretty good way of describing what I just watched. Time and again, the interviewer, Robert Sam Anson, would gamely attempt to steer the dialogue where he wanted it to go, and each time Moses would deftly fend him off. It was clear to me that, regardless of what Anson might have thought of his subject going in, by the end of the hour he was visibly awed by the defiant octogenarian sitting across from him.
Bravo! Great interview. This was the first media interview I ever saw of Robert Moses. He was a man of energy! The restlessness really showed in this interview. Thanks for posting. I will spread the word and get as many people to watch this rare interview.