It is... becoming increasingly obvious that what really motivates Joe Lieberman is the opportunity to stick it to the left wing of the Democratic Party. After all, the very same people who tormented him in 2006, with paper mache parade floats of the "kiss", are now turning purple with impotent rage. Lieberman has them all by the short hairs and he is enjoying every minute of it. And why wouldn't he? The spineless leaders of the Democratic Party didn't even deliver so much as a mild rebuke to him after Lieberman campaigned for the Republican ticket in 2008, even going so far as to appear in person at the Republican National Convention. You can hardly fault the man for assuming (correctly) that Harry Reid would gut his party's signature piece of legislation, just to keep Joe Lieberman happy.
When Lieberman was beaten by Ned Lamont in the 2006 primary, that should have been the end of Ol' Joe. The Senate Democratic Caucus should have immediately, and forcefully, declared their full support for the winner of the democratic primary. And they should have made it known to Lieberman, in no uncertain terms, that he would not have any support if he decided to run as an independent. Instead, they offered tepid support for Lamont, and went to work behind the scenes to help their good pal Joe Lieberman retain his senate seat. The Republicans then pitched in by running a candidate who was less then a non-entity. Lieberman formed his own party, launched his campaign, and then went on to win the 3-way race.
I saw something earlier tonight about a possible effort to "recall" Lieberman. I'm not aware that CT has a mechanism for recalling a senator, but perhaps they do. In any event, it wouldn't happen fast enough to make a difference as regards the Health care debate. No, Joe Lieberman is acting out the role he envisioned for himself more then 2 years ago. They say that revenge is a dish best savored cold and I'll bet that the senator from CT would happily concur.
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