Howard Dean is fast replacing Joe Lieberman as the villain of the health care reform drama, although he is being attacked for entirely different reasons. In an appearance on Hardball, Dr. Dean engaged in a shouting match with Chris Matthews and Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana. Please don't watch the video exchange expecting to be enlightened on the issues; watch it to be appalled by the utter lack of civility. Chris Matthew's is incapable of keeping quiet for more then 30 seconds, and interrupts his guests whenever the whim strikes him. The senator from Louisiana, who has been fending off charges that she sold her vote, was equally disrespectful. This is what passes for reasoned discourse these days?
If you would like to actually learn something without being assaulted by the likes of Chris Matthews, then read Dr. Dean's opinion piece in today's online edition of the Washington Post. He offers a sober and realistic analysis of the senate health care bill, as it currently exists, and concludes that passage of this bill would do more harm then good. Now I happen to agree with Howard Dean, but certainly respect the opinions of those who don't agree with him. Unfortunately, it seems as though those who differ with him are more concerned with personally attacking him, rather then debating the merits of his position on the matter.
Let us see how long it takes before they resurrect video footage of the "Dean Scream", which the networks will then obligingly replay endlessly, as evidence of Howard Dean's obvious insanity...
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