Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Cross and the Switchblade

Politicians like Sarah Palin, and the Tea Party movement she represents, are a desperate rear-guard action against demographic and cultural changes that they refuse to accept. On the fringes of this movement are the white supremacists, neo-Nazis, etc. who are at least honest about who and what they hate. The mainstream of the movement will vehemently deny that their opposition to Obama, and what he represents, is in any way motivated by his skin color. That claim is quickly demolished by even a cursory examination of their preferred means of attacking the president. The continuing "controversy" about Obama's birth certificate strikes at his very legitimacy as an American citizen. The message is unmistakable: "He is not one of us.". Can anyone imagine a white president being treated in such a fashion? It is simply inconceivable. The nonsense about Obama's father and grandfather and Kenyan Mau Mau rebels fighting the British is an even more blatant use of race. What on earth could any of that have to do with anything? Unless it's a not-so-subtle way of attempting to link Obama with some very scary-sounding Africans, who probably slaughtered a lot of white people.


  1. OH! Now I get it, I am against socialized medicine, higher taxes, increased government regulation, abortion, outrageous deficits, and all the other "goodies" offered by the left, simply because Obama is black?????????????????????????????????????

    You know I loved all that liberal crap when it was proposed by lilly-white Bill Clinton. You must remember what a fan I was of he and his wife.

    I also loved it all when proposed by Jimmy Carter.

    Yes, all of us conservatives only started fighting the social-welfare state upon the election of a half-black president???????

    His being an American citizen has never been questioned; however, "citizenship" is not the sole criteria for being elected to the Presidency of the United States, and he is obliged to demonstrate he passes the bar on All the criteria. Just as you must demonstrate certain criteria to simply accept a job in the United States.

    I am no "birther"; however, the only people I find nuttier than birthers are those who absolutely refuse to recognize that there might, just possibly, be an unanswered question with regard to Obama's place of birth.

    It is time Obama and his followers stop playing the race card every time he is treated like a grown man in politics. He and his supporters are rather thin-skinned and it is time our president, if you'll excuse the crude terminology, grows a pair.

  2. Warren, you never even addressed the central point of my argument! Namely, what does the Kenyan revolution, that took place before Obama was even born, have to do with anything that's going on in today's world? Here's one for you: Ronald Reagan was Irish-American. Perhaps he has family in Ireland, and some of them fought for the IRA. Would you find it appropriate for his Democratic opponents to bring up that history?
