Well, they got the battle alright, but where is the accomplishment to justify the expenditure of all that political capital? Democrats on the campaign trail this Fall are hard-pressed to point to any tangible signs of accomplishment, and instead are distancing themselves from their own party leaders. At least several Democratic lawmakers running for reelection have decided that it might be more politically popular to run against Nancy Pelosi, then against their actual opponents.
Voters have notoriously short memories and two years already feels like a lifetime ago. And while George W Bush is certainly not being asked to campaign for Republican candidates, a certain nostalgia is beginning to develop for the good old days when we had a white man in the White House. And, let us face the uncomfortable truth, Democratic candidates aren't exactly rolling out the welcome wagon for the president. Out of our last three presidents, it appears that the only one with any real popularity among voters is the guy who got impeached...
“The man is on record having declared, on more then one occasion, that he believes that a single-payer plan with a public option was the ultimate goal.”
ReplyDeleteInteresting you should admit this about the dear leader, because I also have heard him say on several occasions, while ramming this healthcare fraud down our throats, that he was ”never” in favor of a single-payer plan. The only honest conclusion one could draw from this fact is that our President is either a very forgetful man or an absolute liar. I, obviously, think the latter is more appropriate, but I am far from objective.
I am no fan of much of what Bush did, the prescription assistance for the elderly, the billions spent for overseas AIDS work, No child left behind, and especially the TARP funding were bad decisions and bad for the country; however; according to the facts, the days before Obama’s election were the good old days. Unemployment was far lower, there were far fewer foreclosures, the dollar was stronger, my health insurance was far less expensive, we had more rights and freedoms, Chrystler and GM were not government entities, The war in Afghanistan was being won, our national debt was, relatively speaking, a pittance.
Democrats do not want to bring up the specter of Obamacare because, although it was a major accomplishment, it is historically unpopular. It is not just unconstitutional to attempt to force the 85% or more of America who was happy with their healthcare to pay for a few who are not, it is idiotic.
With all the history and data we now have with regard to what a failure a government always will be when running healthcare system, even the socialist Democrats should have realized that people would not go for this fraud.
This President is a failure! We will have the pleasure of watching him fall apart over the next two years. We will get to see him squirm while all his “work” is undone. He misread the electorate who chose him over a dawdling old man who would have been beaten by even John Kerry of Al Gore. He is a narcissist who has never had to deal with the truth, and soon he will be tols that the emperor has no clothes. Obama will be devastated as I do not believe he has come to realize how naked he now is.
Tonight is election night! I will miss the term "Madame Speaker" as she has run such a whorehouse the last few years that I always thought the term applied.