Just to be clear, the Bush White House ultimately admitted that the "Mission Accomplished" banner was both made, and hung, at the behest of the administration. Of course, they tried to blame it on the sailors when it became obvious just how premature the banner, and Bush's speech, actually were.
I read recently that they are debating whether, or not, to hang the banner in the Bush Library. Personally, I believe that it belongs there. Because, while the message conveyed certainly didn't apply to events in Iraq, it most certainly has applications here at home.
By setting in motion a train of events that culminated in a disastrous financial crisis, the Bush administration laid the groundwork for an unprecedented right-wing assault on this country's social-welfare system. If the economy continues to deteriorate, we will see spending cuts to programs previously thought to be untouchable. Not defense spending or aid to Israel, mind you. But, all of the so-called "entitlement" programs that serve to soften the sharp edges of our capitalist economy will be targeted.
To put it in much cruder terms, Grover Norquist's wet dream will become our collective nightmare...