There is an ugly mood percolating among those who feel like they have been shafted by this economy. They are looking for someone, or something, to blame it all on. Probably the last time Obama actually said something really profound was when he talked about how rural white Americans "cling to their guns and religion" because of economic forces beyond their control. He got lambasted for that, and it probably didn't help that he made those remarks to an audience in San Francisco.
Sales of guns and ammunition have gone up every year since Obama was elected. In fact, the gun industry should probably make a sizable donation to his reelection campaign. Obama has done absolutely nothing that would displease an NRA member, since he has been president, but it doesn't matter. They are convinced he's coming for their guns. The election of a Rick Perry would likely result in depressed sales.
Neither political party, at this point in time, offers these millions of alienated Americans any hope. But, one party does offer them what they want to hear, and that is the GOP/Tea Party. The causes of their economic pain are complex, and do not lend themselves to easy explanations or solutions. But, someone like Glenn Beck, with his chalkboards and bizarre history lessons, promised to make sense of it all. Beck appears to have flamed-out, but there will be others.
My point is this: If someone does come along who is capable of channeling and directing this rage, all bets are off. At the moment, we are turned against one another, but all that presently misdirected anger could easily be turned against the real enemy.
The 1% of the population, that owns nearly all of the wealth in this country, might want to think long and hard about what they are doing to the rest of us.